Service variants
IPL get rid of red veins
- Yes, IPL can be used to reduce the appearance of spider veins on the face. Targeted bursts of Intense Pulse Light (IPL) are absorbed by the blood in the thread veins, which coagulates and destroys the blood vessel, being completely absorbed, and removed by the body over time.
- On average improvements in symptoms will be seen after 3 treatments but that depending on severity. This will be discussed with you during the initial consultation
ROSACEA cannot be cured,
- IPL laser treatments can safely & effectively control the symptoms. On average improvement in symptoms after 4 treatments will be seen but depending on the severity it can of course take more This will be discussed with you during the initial consultation.
IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light.This non-surgical therapy remove blemishes
and imperfections in the skin, or in severe cases make them less noticeable.
*When can I see results
In general you can expect to see some improvement in their skin after the first session of IPL treatment. However, the full results may take several weeks or even months to become visible.
Skin test & consultation required!!